AlfaSight™ is the most advanced system of its kind. This patent-pending infrared scanning technology incorporates the established science of Regulation Thermography, which Alfa dubs Regulation Thermometry™, a discipline that links specific temperature patterns emanating from internal organs with a sophisticated expert knowledge-base driven by mathematical algorithms.
The database was developed over the span of twelve years by Dr. Beilin and 6 contributing doctors. The hardware/software system instantly delivers an accurate multi-page, whole-body assessment. AlfaSight™ is a Class I prescription medical device.
AlfaSight™ is a preventative health care device that helps identify subtle and influential physiological dysfunctions as well as identify hidden infections with specificity and sensitivity. AlfaSight 9000™ is a state-of-the-art health testing system that highlights and prioritizes abnormalities of the tissues and organs key to disease contribution.
The AlfaSight™ has detected predisposing factors for breast cancer sometimes years before a tumor is discoverable on a mammogram, heart conditions that have never been screened for, kidney dysfunctions in their beginning stages, and much more. It’s a whole-body, early-detection system that views a patient’s overall health while finding hidden issues and causes for many disease including pre-disease contributing factors.
The system can also identify parallel disease factors accompanying many conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, cognitive disorders and viral diseases. Early stage detection of such factors is critical. The AlfaSight 9000™ is an adjunct diagnostic device.
Regulation Thermometry is based on the analysis of changing skin temperatures evaluated before and after a stress-stimulus of cool air is applied. Because of the connections of the skin located in segments connected to our inner organs, an indirect measurement of the organ and tissue systems can be evaluated, utilizing a phenomena of stress-response through the Spinal-Reflex-Arc. Because this nervous-system pathway of peripheral nerves ‘hooks up’ with the organ and tissue signaling, patterns of response can be evaluated using historical data of disease behaviors contained in those temperature changes specific to the region sampled by the infrared sensor. There are detail preparations' that need to be done up to 3 days in advanced. The test takes 20 minutes and the patient must strip to his/her underwear in order to measure the skin’s response to the room-temperature air. Results are immediate and are evaluated by the physician.
You do need to be a current patient to receive therapies or testing. Please call us today to get set-up! (904) 247-7455
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